Scrabble. You know the score. It all starts off as a friendly game, then before you know it your gran's played XU for 58 and the gloves are off. It's more than just a boardgame, it's like Game of Thrones with tiles - nobody knows who’ll be left standing
Coming to Machine No.3 from 4th Oct is something so huge you'd think it had hit two triple word scores and had a Z in it.
World Scrabble Champion, Brett Smitheram himself hosts a chance for you to pit your wits against other Scrabble fans with the promise of a cash prize, fame and glory. Each player can call on the champ to take one go on their behalf, so, if he's worth his salt, should score you some extra points.
1st Prize: £50 cash
2nd prize: a bottle of wine
3rd Prize: a free drink and a pat on the back
As the dust settles, the winner will get the chance to risk some of their prize to double up with Brett's fiendish Final Challenge...and if they chicken out, the offer will pass to the runner up.
So come one, come all, bring your most valiant verbs and your niftiest nouns, and see if you can turn pronouns into prizes.
£7 a ticket, or £5 if you promise to bring a board
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Earlier Event: September 30
Saturdays At Machine No.3
Later Event: October 5
Jazz Den Live